TED Inspiration

Two young scientists break down plastics with bacteria.

Think Puzzle Explore

What do you think you about this topic?

I thought that this was a very different way to break down the plastics by using bacteria. It is very creative and interesting way. It will be a more quick, efficient and hopefully accurate way.

What questions or puzzles do you have?

The questions and puzzles that I have are:

  • How accurate is this process?
  • How long does it take?
  • Is it used in many places around the world?
  • why is this not being used all around the world if it works?
  • how much money does it cost to make the bacteria?

How can you explore this topic?

You could explore this topic by, doing research and seeing how accurate that it is.


My invention that made peace with lions. 

Think Puzzle Explore

What do you think you about this topic?

I think that in this topic was a really cool and effective way to scare the lions off without hurting them. It is a very creative idea to use items that he had already that may not have been used otherwise.

What questions or puzzles do you have?

  • How did he know that lions didn’t like moving lights after just one night?
  • did he know much about lights before this?
  • was it easy to make?
  • how long did it take to make?

How can you explore this topic?

You could explore this topic by thinking about other animals that are found in Australia that kill farm animals and by seeing what they are scared of.

How I harnessed the wind

Think Puzzle Explore

What do you think you about this topic?

I think that this idea of making a wind harness is a very good idea. He used the resources that he had to make the harness

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