My 5 communication steps

My target audience is girls who swim. I want the consumers to feel annoyed that they didn’t know about the product. I also want them to be happy that they don’t need to waste time and be late due to having a shower. I think that my message is emotional message due to people feeling bad about being late to people’s houses. I will use word of mouth and television ads. These will be effective because you will be able to show a demonstration on the TV ad and through word of mouth, people will be able to tell their friends that it actually works. The face of my company will be normal people that swim as well as a famous swimmer. They will both be the face of the company because it shows that it is what the professional swimmers use. But, having a normal person that swims, show the consumers that you don’t need to be professional to be able to use it.

mission statement

To enable people comfortable after swimming if they need to go somewhere straight after they will be able to get rid of the chlorine straight away. This is also helpful if you wash your hair and then go swimming. My product is a hairbrush that will automatically get the chlorine out of your hair, and dry it so it doesn’t look like you have been swimming at all, after swimming. to use it, you need a powerpoint to plug the brush in. it will come with a cover for easy transport. if you keep it in the cover, it won’t break.